Within our movement there are two questions that need to be answered: The JQ and can the teachings/belief in Jesus Christ be reconsidered or compatible with our answer to the Jewish question. The simple JQ is: in a white nationalist state what should be done with racial Jews. The issue is not should all or some Jews be allowed to remain. We believe culture and thus institutions are an expression of genetics of the people. Of course all other races cannot be a part of a white nationalist nation, but the Jews are unique in that historically their culture and institutions are not only conflicting with ours but outright subverting them. So with other races and sub-races it may be the case that they just aren’t optimally a part of our society, but with Jews they they outright corrupt or destroy it.

The common man of our time perhaps might be sympathetic to our cause, but most likely will not support outright racial expulsion of individuals they believe are innocent. This is the point from where to launch. Our racial demographic of late has been warming to civic nationalism. The issue most of us have with civic nationalism is that it tends to ask which individuals benefit the state by a utilitarian judgement, particularly economically, ignoring race and culture. However, through a Nationalist Libertarian setting, civic nationalism can naturally progress to racial nationalism. It can do this by shifting away from economic value judgements to one of cultural, civic, and loyalty value judgements. Of course with the abolishment of political correctness many who are jewish who broke the law will be removed from society, but there will be some who remain, either because they were not found guilty or they genuinely have done nothing wrong. After the abolishment of political correctness the next step would be the illegalizing of duel citizenship. Jesus actually provides support on this point, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate one and love the other; or else he will hold to one and despise the other.”- Matthew 6:24 KJV The reasoning is you cannot reliably act in accordance with duty to two states.

We have whittled down the JQ by dealing with a culture shift, justice against lawbreakers and a removal of those who choose another citizenship over their American one. There will still be multiple left. This is where the abolishment needs follow through. The next major step is abolishing “Judaeo-Christianity” in favor of Christianity. Many evangelicals and neo-cons idolize the Jews. This started with the American Scofield Reference Bible, which was very Zionist and pro-jew. This is protected by a particular doublethink. It is switched between as needed for the situation, the premises: “Jews are a religious group.” “Jews are a race.” Both are claimed when accusing antisemitism. It is employed to make Jews a race by saying it is genetically inherited and to protect Jews regardless of beliefs. It is employed to make Jews a religious group to tout a deep spiritual connection and to unconsciously manifest an idea of how they act and their persecution is only due to bigotry against innocuous religious beliefs. I highly recommend the documentary “Marching to Zion” It discusses and refutes the idolization of Jews by Christians.

Many readers will say there is nothing to debunk and Christianity is a Jewish creation to further their goals against us. The documentary refutes this but, I can give a general explanation. When reading the English Bible( it should be KJV) it is necessary to know that there are different uses of the word jew. I will go through them as they chronologically appear in our history. The first is jews, being those who believed in Yhwhism. They worshiped the god Yhwh. At first the jews with Abraham as their prophet were strictly a religious group. As Abraham’s decedents grew and multiplied they eventually became a race, we can call these proto-jews. Proto-jews did not need to adhere to Yhwhism in order to still be proto-jews as they were now a race. The next event was another redefining for Jews: Jesus Christ. We can approach this even theologically or existentially and secular. Theologically Yeshua(Jesus non-anglicanized) of Nazareth was born of the virgin Mary. We have no theological basis for saying he was genetically Jewish, except the genealogy of Mary and others’ claim of him being a jew(son of Abraham). In essence he is entirely God, but in form he is a man who is at least half immaculate, the rest being proto-jewish. Secularly dismissing immaculate birth he was at least half proto-jew and whatever the male contributor was. Most likely middle eastern or Roman/Mediterranean. Either way his ministry brought what being jewish means to a crossroads. Proto-jews have always had a habit of being idolatrus and a tendency to swing from strict Yhwhism and hardcore paganism. Secularism and religious moderateness was not a key trait. Historically shortly before the birth of Jesus there was a new kind of Jew appearing. There would eventually become the Jews who are specifically Talmudist Jews. In the bible these are referred to most often as the pharisees. Talmudism is a corruption of Yhwhism. Instead of reverting back to paganism directly the Talmudist Jews began to make “the law” from the law of God to the jews, into the law of the Jews for the Jews. This is important because it took God out of the picture and made Jewish laws relative to whatever the pharisees wished. What eventually happened when the jews were in Babylon, was that the jews adopted a kind of indirect hedonistic paganism by making the jews as a people their interpretation of God. The Talmudists believe that the Jewish race is God.

We can find the Christian rejection of this from both Jesus and John the Baptist who both reject the specialty of the sons of Abraham. The Israel and Jews talked about when referencing Christ’s kingdom and people, it is referring to Christians, the believers. Christianity is a revival and revisioning of Yhwhism and rejects Judaism in the modern day. In this way Christianity is compatible with our movement, however is only sparsely supplementary because it is individualist and leaves governing to the governing bodies.

Once the tie between Christians and the Talmudist Jews is severed, it will be time for organic encouragement and lack of benefits for remaining Jews to immigrate to Israel. We will not defend them or give them money, but they probably will be able to secure themselves. If a nation were to try to answer the JQ with genocide, it would not be tolerated internationally. It is much more wise to judiciously and organically dismantle the framework of parasitism so that they indirectly remove themselves.


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